Has the science behind your product won a noble prize?
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/nobel_1999/blobel.html http://nobelprize.org/medicine/laureates/1999/press.html Does your product effect every genetic and auto immune disease?
- Just look up glyconutrients in Google search!
Is your company publicly traded and if so has its stock increased over 1000% in the last 18 months?
http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/050310/105809_1.html Has your company been invited to congress to share what it could do for the immune system in direct response to bioterrorism?
Committee of Government Reform:
Comprehensive Medical Care for Bioterrorism Exposure
In November, 2001 the Company's Medical Director addressed a congressional subcommittee on Bio Terrorism & the evidence supporting the potential for glyconutrients and micronutrient dietary supplementation to support natural defense and healing mechanisms to ameliorate bacterial, viral and fungal infections due to the outstanding results of our products on the human immune system.
Has your science on the web been given 4 awards by the World Wide Web health association?
http://www.glycoscience.org Do you have a not-for-profit organization that gives your products to children in need all around the world? If so, is it involved in the global AIDS awareness program?
Does your company give out more then 42% of every dollar taken in, back to the associates?
Does the science behind your product have its own field of study?
Look up “glycobiology” on Google!
Do you get product for every cent that you give to your company?
The company sends the customer product for every cent that they give.
Are you products mentioned in the Harpers Biochemistry text book?