Klonoa Review

May 09, 2009 01:35

Klonoa for the Nintendo Wii is probably one of the best games I've had the privilege to play in the past half decade! The level designs are fun and well thought out, the visuals, while not on par with something on the PS3 or 360 are immensely delightful and simply put a smile on my face, the music fits, the character designs are delightfully quirky and the story manages to do something that few games have managed and actually elicited an emotional response.

I want to proclaim that this game is perfect! I would like to, but I do have to take one step back from that position. The only complaint I have that I wouldn't consider a gripe is the fact that they dramatically increased Klonoa's health. Later in the game this is fine because the title becomes much harder, early on however the extra health makes Klonoa all but invincible. This doesn't ruin the game by any means, but I do believe this is the reason why some reviewers have deemed Klonoa too easy. Other than that, my only other complaint is simply that the script in this title sometimes feels like its glossing over plot points. You easily get the jist of what's happening and the emotional segments are still emotional, but they could've been clearer on the fact that this is a dreamworld, or what the motivation of the villain was. Regardless neither of these complaints do significant damage to the game, its a mere half step away from perfection and for thirty dollars its more than worth your money.

So my recommendation, buy this game, tell your friends to buy this game, heck buy a second copy if you have to. Not to be pushy or anything but Namco has officially stated that if Klonoa sales are good they'll do a remake of Lunatea's Veil and maybe even make the long dreamed of Klonoa 3. That's right, you heard me, Klonoa Three, the two words many of you probably never thought you'd have a chance to see on a DVD case!

So, yeah, don't make me come over there! I want my Klonoa 3 dagnabit!
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