I figured it was time for me to update my journal, and what better way than to rant something entirely different from my typical "life is shit" ones. So enjoy. But please be warned, my tongue will be sharp. If it cuts you, get a damn metaphorical band-aid and get over it, kay?
Anyway, with the little warning over and done with, on with the rant. My rant is about how children are raised today, and even starting within the time when I was born. Children today are so overly babied and coddled it's sickening. I'm not saying to not show your child love... Just for the love of god, nothing good comes from over-coddling. If anything it creates a whiny, bratty child who inevitably grows up to be a whiny, bratty adult.
When I was a child, my mom didn't coddle me. My mom was a mom and taught me valuable lessons that allowed me to be an independent person. I was allowed to play outside ALONE provided I didn't go near the streets, and if someone creepy jumped from the bushes, or something to run and tell another adult I knew or recognized as someone who could help. I was allowed to be outside for however long I wanted to be outside as long as my homework got done, and if it wasn't I had to be in before dark to finish it... Not because the crazies were out to nab me if I didn't coming as soon as the street lights came on. My mom knew I was more than smart enough and capable enough to handle a few hours outside, by myself without her constantly being with me. Sure she watched out the window while she did dishes to make sure I wasn't being stupid and talking to Mr. Meth-head or standing in front of cars like some idiot.
Hell, when I'd get hurt, even as a toddler I would cry because it hurt. But I wouldn't cry for mommy to kiss it better. If anyone even tried to touch me when I got hurt I would scream bloody murder. No one touched me until I was ready for them to touch me. And it's still pretty much the same way today. I get hurt, shit happens. I don't like people coddling me just because I'm bleeding. If it were something serious, then sure coddling might be necessary. But in my entire 21 years I haven't had any reason other than an asthma attack and a sprained ankle that had appeared to be broken at first to be a patient in the ER. Nothing too serious like a gash exposing my brain cavity, a broken bone... Nothing. And I was the kid who jumped off of 6 foot high walls, rode my bike as fast as it could go, fallen off my bike countless times.
Kids on my street played outside alone all the time. No one died, and no one got nabbed by Mr. Stranger that parents today seem to shove down their children's throats, producing a child who's afraid of every little movement, and being more than 5 feet away from their mommy's and daddy's.
We made up games to keep us entertained, we had lunch at someone's house had an hour to watch cartoons or play inside and then we were back outside romping around like little crazy people. We walked to the bus stop and chilled, in 5th and 6th grade I walked to school that was a good 20 minute hike, and I was never picked up.
I'm not saying it will never happen, as it clearly does happen... But the kids you see getting nabbed by Mr. Stranger are the morons who actually fall for the dumb as shit excuses ever to get into the car with the person. My mother made sure that I understood not to go with anyone who tried to convince me to get into their car, home, etc etc etc. And I didn't. If I saw anyone creepy, I walked away, wary and cautious. Never will I understand why kids actually go with the stranger offering them a ride, candy, etc. It's like... are kids completely fucking stupid these days?
And claims of being bored... were rare as far as I remember being a kid. If I was feeling bored I created something fun to do. Whether it be playing some imagination-inspired fantasy or simply standing in the road on a partly cloudy day and imagining the shadows cast by the clouds were a darkness that gobbled children up if they didn't pay attention and hide when one would come whooshing up the road. I used my brain to create fun for myself. This was particularly true when there were no other kids available to play with. I occupied myself with awesome plots and ideas and games. I was fascinated by nature, especially during the winter. In fact, I distinctly remember being sent outside on a winter day with snow up to my knees, walking into the woods behind my house, scale the large rock that stood like 10 feet high and sat on it for an hour doing nothing other than enjoying the peaceful nature around me. Sometimes I'd see deer and watch them for as long as they stuck around. I looked for tracks and followed where they came from and where they were going. All this took place before my mother would call me inside to have hot chocolate by the fire. Mind you, during this time with woods behind my house, it took place when I was roughly 5-7 years old. A 5-7 year old went outside ALONE for hours on end and ... Nothing... happened.
Kids today bug their parents about being bored with nothing to do. They don't bother to think for themselves like they're mindless drones that ask their parents for ideas about fun... If I recall correctly, adults, particularly parents really had no idea about what was fun. It makes me utterly sad that kids are fed mindless dribble on TV in the form of so-called "cartoons" and have no idea what the fuck imagination really is. Cartoons today don't promote imagination... Okay, so they promote some sort of educating riff raff... Whatever happened to parents doing that? Whatever happened to cartoons that gave children an idea of imagination? Singing about manners, going poopy on the potty, the toys that make the noise, and other utterly stupid things have replaced the child's ability to entertain itself. I grew up with Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd, I grew up laughing at the abuse cartoon characters took [come on, characters being hit in the head with larger-than-life mallets is funny]. I grew up knowing the difference between reality and fantasy. I knew cartoons were fantasy and it was all in good fun. All this bullshit about how violence in cartoons makes kids go ballistic on each other in school and shoot up the damn place... I want to strangle the parents... You know why? Because it was obvious that they didn't bother teaching their children a vital, necessary lesson in life... To recognize the difference between reality and fantasy. Things that happened in fantasy stayed in fantasy. Cartoons and video games should not be blamed for the lack of good parenting skills.
Anyhow.. I'm done, my hands have now fallen asleep and it stings to type as the pins and needles feeling sets in.. lol. Have a good day everyone!
Oh and I highly recommend you all reading the articles that are posted on the following site: