Feb 20, 2005 13:15
So I pretty much have a job at a gas station in north boulder, not the most glamorous job but a paying one, and thats all that really matters right now. Nathan, Skippy and I will _probly_ still be moving out in march, its still not 100% but even if we dont it'll still happen in the relatively near future. Things with my mom, as I suspected, have come a long way from the precarious boiling point we've been at for so long.
Everythings not all hunky dory, but its getting better, ok, better isnt exactly the right word, but its coming to a more gentle slope than its been for a while. I had to work my ass off and paper half the fucking town with resumes, but i finally got a job... now that thats out of the way i can get back to figuring out this whole life thing bit by bit, even tho in the end it's a futile quest; but hey, its all we can do, right?
Im still nervous as hell, real life is staring me down and Im worried im gonna break, My record in this life isnt exactly great and all i can see throughout my life is bad luck, but fuck all that noise, Im gonna do this shit, fuck you life, my existence is my own and I'll do what I fucking please!
Move bitch, get out the way, get out the way bitch, get out the way!
Fuck all you naysayers, I'll make my millions, I'll tear this life a new one like whoa! My existence wont know what hit it when I hit the big time, hoo damn....
Snoochie Boochies.