Silly Stuff

Nov 21, 2008 21:17

Church Marquee:


....Okay, it's an old joke. But... on a church marquee? That's just creepy.

Also, in the wake of the "Twilight" and "True Blood" propaganda... WHY MUST ALL THE VAMPIRES BE BROODING?!? That's the description every damn time... a "brooding vampire". I give kudos to Patrica Briggs for having a vampire in her Mercy books that has a VW van repainted to match the Mystery Machine of Scooby-Doo fame.

I also give kudos to Carrie Vaughn in her Kitty books for having a vampire matriarch who views her eternal unlife as an opportunity to care for her very-alive descendants - like helping them through college, stuff like that.

About a decade back, I even drew a female vampire who wore tie-dye shirts, liked loud'n'lively music, and always had a very loose stance. She also tended to flip the bird at any broody vampire she came across... while grinning.

I understand the premise that the centuries would wear upon a person... but c'mon! Aren't there any that would fight ennui with bright colors and a sense of humor?! C'mon!
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