There is a video doing the rounds on the net at the moment of our Prime Minister, Tony Abbot taking questions from students from a high school. I'm not sure of the setup, but from what is said I gather the students were on a trip to Canberra, the PM walked past and guessed it would be a nice thing to speak to the kids. There was a bit of banter, then he said he'd take some questions. Of course, the kids these days all have smart phones, so it was recorded.
I suspect the questions were not what he expected.
- Why did you repeal the carbon tax?
- Why are you so against legalising gay marriage?
- Why do you think that following Howard's footsteps with the Tampa and turning back asylum seakers is a good idea? (With the follow up of "Do you know it is a human right to seek asylum in another country?" and "Why are they (asylum seekers) pushed out when there is so much (in Australia) to share?")
- And a bonus question (From LJ who seemed popular): Why is a man the Minister for Women?
I won't go into details about the answers, I'd be tempted to say they're what you expect from a politician. What I found more interesting was the comments in the video. Some people blasting Abbot for his answers and others blasting the kids for "frivolous" questions. I wouldn't say they're frivolous. They're the questions the kids wanted answered and I suspect that not many of the kids were happy with his answers.
The video is at for those who want to see it themselves.
For some reason all I could think of was an episode of The Hollowmen.