My Very First Post!

Jul 03, 2008 20:41

Yes, I finally made a post. You're not hallucinating. It's very real. That gasp of shock is a bit too much. And if you keel over in a dead faint I'll beat you with my squeegie bat. No, no one bribed me. And no, I didn't have a life-altering out-of-body experience. Of course, I wasn't drunk! Sheesh.

I finally grew sick of looking at the same boring Welcome entry. It only took me a year! Gives new meaning to late. LOL The only problem was that I had no idea what to post. I haven't written any fanfics of my own; however, I have been thinking about it. I've been spending the majority of my time writing a contemporary fantasy novel. I've finished the first (around 200,000 words) and am working on the second in the series.

So, anyway, I was watching one of my fave anime's for like the 5th time - Project Arms (I bought the entire 2-season collection). At one point Hayato says, "....nuttier than a squirrel turd." That's one I'd never heard. I've remembered that line, for what reason I have no idea, but alas, it's entered my long-term memory and is now firmly lodged. Somehow I began thinking of other colorful, off-the-wall expressions.....and light bulb! Inspiration struck. It may be wacky, but it's all I could think up. So, here's the list I've compiled of inane, nonsensical sayings:

  • Nuttier than a squirrel turd
  • As jumpy as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs
  • Has more curves than a mountain road (referring to a woman)
  • Harder to find than a polar bear in a snowstorm
  • As sly as a weasel stealing chickens from the hen house
  • Look like a thunderstorm ready to split open and pour down
  • As open as a locked safe
  • Moved like a jackrabbit escaping a nest of yellow jackets
  • Eyes that could turn as frigid as a brass doorknob in January
  • As serious as a heart attack
  • Flatter than a training bra
  • Running around so much my shadow is complaining
  • As horny as a two-peckered billy goat
  • And lastly, just because I like it - Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit

Are they euphemisms? Analogies? Hyperbole? Or similes? All of the above? I don't know - don't confuse me! Anyway, I plan to make future lists. I'm currently working on euphemisms for sex. Please feel free to leave comments. If you have anything to add to my lists, go ahead.

Take care. See you next time! Bear hugs!

list, expressions

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