My inner diablo...

Oct 25, 2006 16:01

Ooooo...Diablo. !Diablo fresas! Yeah, figure that one out Spaniards. My dad just vacuumed the front yard and sucked up all ten leaves that we had there. It looks so naked. Poor grass.
I don't think I'm really living anymore. I keep getting all Zen-like and have weird dejavu stuff that really is pretty sweet and scary at the same time. And the other day I was saying what people's eye color made me think of. Example: one was green and golden and shimmery so I said it reminded me of cats. Another was layers of blue and some gold, they made me think of sunlight coming down through lake water. Another still was multilayers of brown and hazel and green- I said it was a forest. I'm just weird. And somehow I will save the world. Yay!
I think I'm being possessed by something. Hmmm...not surprising.
Oh damn. I have six pages of typing crap to do tonight. And still go to church and pretend to be Christian. Gotta go. Later! Chao!
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