I give uuuuup.

Jan 20, 2009 02:22


I want to go back to stupid kid math! Not because I am severely lagging, but because there are two problems that are driving me NUTS. They won't even bring my grade down terribly! My homework grades are:

On an average, that's about eighty something, a B. B IS GOOD. WOLFY LIKE B. It just pisses me off that TWO LITTLE PROBLEMS are keeping me from getting an A. I have looked at examples, I have watched the woman do them and have done them along side her. She always speaks clearly and slowly. I have watched VIDEOS. Yet I just keep missing something. It's probably something dumb and obvious.

I've never been good at math. The reason I got through some lower elementary grades is because my DAD did my homework for me. 8I thanks Dad. I can't do anything on my own now that I'm in the real world! I failed sixth grade math. Just flat-out FAILED it but passed the grade because I had to fail two required classes to be held back. I did okay during highschool. I didn't take very much math then. I baaaarely squeaked by in Beginner's Algebra in my first semester of college.

Now here I am in Intermediate, possibly making C-B work which isn't terrible but dammit I thought I'd be smarter by now. I AM putting forth effort. I AM trying again and gain when the answers come out wrong. There's just something I dont' GET.

I could just puke forever.

Bitching behind the cut. Just ignore it.

math, baww, life, homework, school, college is hard

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