Sep 27, 2008 17:15
I just learned something that's going to save me a TON of time if I ever start up an LJ just for writing. You know how you get everything nice and typed up in your document program of choice, all those nice italics and bolds and stuff, yeah? When you copy-paste it into the Rich Text, it doesn't pick it up. THEN you have to craaaawl back through it and replace everything and look between it and your original document and it's a pain in the ass. At least that's how mine does it.
I don't know if this works in other programs, but Wordperfect has an option under file that says, "Publish to HTML" Do that, then open the file. It should come up as a browser tab/window whatever it is you use. Copy paste THAT into the Rich Text and IT WOOOOORKS AHAHAHAHA...ha.
Yeah. You probably already knew that but I just figured it out. So go me.
ahahaha i am a genious,
writer's block