...and it's been a while since I first saw you.
It's been a while since I could stand on my own two feet again.
And it's been a while since I could call you.
Some nice people from my church visited today and brought me a New Member's package. It's a tad odd since I joined May of last year, but better late than never! I got a directory with PICTURES, a CD of our choir singing, and a buttload of pamphlets. And they knew who I was! I felt so wanted. Like when I got that hand-written card. When I look at the pictures in the directory and listen to the music on the CD, I remember why I wanted to go there to begin with. I remember why I stayed.
I wanna try to get back into the swing. I'm sleeping TONS better now. I'm getting a little better with dealing with the whole guilt thing. I've been visiting friends more. I've still got things I need to improve on. I need to eat better. I still feel kinda blarch. Showering more would be nice. I just don't have the ENERGY to primp up every day. I've let go the whole deal about mamaw's house. I don't care any more. If we get money for it, we get money for it. If not, it's off our backs anyway.
I'm getting better at staying away from the computer. I'm spending time at town and with people and in the yard. I don't have nearly as many bad dreams about fake chats and confusing RP-related stuff. I'm getting better at just letting go.
My friend Kathie (
catgirlgoth ) is going in for surgery today and tommorow. She's getting a new defibulator put in her chest. Those of you who pray, pray for her.
Also, a great big CONGRATS to
katanisk ! She graduated today! GOOD JOB, KIT! I knew you could! Now just go to collage and don't be a failure like me and drop out one semester in! I love you!
I just want to say thanks to
thelonewolf_27 for commissioning me so often and making me feel like a real artist!
I wanna go back to church.
It's been a while since I could say that I wasn't addicted and
it's been a while since I could say I love myself as well.
It's been a while since I've gone and fucked things up just like I always do.
And it's been a while, but all that shit seems to disappear when I'm with You.