Oct 15, 2008 21:51
Just...OMG! It is such an awesomely adorabubble book!
Maybe I should back up.
On Monday, I got a package from the US with a shirt that I'd ordered and a book called Waterways. Both are awesome!
Waterways is a gay anthropomorphic novel written by the award-winning Kyell Gold, about an Otter who ends up falling in love with a black fox. But its not all smooth sailing for them, as the Otter (Kory) tries to battle with his own emotions about the relationship, whilst the fox (Samaki) tries to help him along the way, along with Kory's brother Nick, friends Malaya and Flora, and the priest at his church, the wised goat Father Joe.
I recommend everyone (regardless of whether you are a fur or not, gay or straight) to read it. Regardless of the content, it holds some awesome revelations, even for me, who has really only been open about his sexuality for the last year and a half or so. The story has open my eyes to a few things, and has given me motivation to start writing my own furry novel.
Anyways, thats enough for now.