Oct 27, 2009 14:38
Wow. It's been YEARS since I last posted on this journal.
I'm almost frighteningly shocked, and yet, altogether, not as much as a I should be.
Anyway, I've joined a writing contest, and have decided to use this as my main journal for while I work on this contest. And I'll probably get used to using this name again, because, to be truthful, WolfYoukaiRin is what I'm best known as. Which isn't shocking, because it's the name I used from the beginning to nearly the present of my Fanfiction Writer life. In fact, I'm thinking quite seriously about going back to it, who knows.
Anyway, since I'll be using this account quite a bit for the next month, and quite possibly after wards, depending on if I make friends during this contest, and I really hate to switch profiles and things constantly on friends. Though I have done it a lot recently. It seems every time I move on to a new fandom or time in my life I get a whole new online Persona to go with it.
For instance, lately I've been PoisnousPixie or LyrabelleWolf, which led to the mixed username PoisnBelle that I'm using on Nanowrimo. However, I've decided to stop being a cyber-space-horder, and am going to try and focus on a main account. I was thinking of making a new one, and then decided(after hitting myself with a few books), that instead I'd go with an older name. One that I knew, love, and enjoyed using.
So, I went with WolfYoukaiRin. This username was inspired by the InuYasha fandom. Rin, being my favoritecharacter, and if I had to be a Youkai(demon) in that world it would be a Wolf Youkai. See how simple that is?
The wolf is my favorite animal, I've always been drawn to wolves, and I get absolutely giddy over the mention of such creatures. Canine's in general call out to me, and even though right now I'm most notably associated with the domestic house cat, wolves continue to be my all time, forever loved, animal.
Youkai is a strictly Japanese term, and could be used to be a tribute to my Anime-fan side, which never leaves. I did have a short period of time, in which anime was the furtherest thing from my mind. I was into Harry Potter, and anime doesn't mix well with that particular fandom. However, as always, anime has jumped back into my life, and refuses to leave.
Rin, this is a name that most people call me by. I've been known to introduce myself as Rin, instead of by my real name, and the closest of my friends call me this. Even my father has been known to call me Rin sometimes, which I have to say, infuriates my mother in a rather scary way.
These are my main reasons for choosing this name.... and yes, I do realize that I'm babbling. You're still reading it though, so it must be mildly interesting, right?
Anyway, for the contest.... .I've decided to focus on X-Men Evolution, since it's a fandom I know inside and out. I've written for it many times, and it's just about the only fandom that ever held my interest long enough for me to finish anything I started.
I've got a basic idea for a plot, but i'm still a bit skeptical about it, mostly due to the current status of a close friend, who will most likely be my biggest help in writing this November(other than my father, who I've given permission to do ANYTHING he has to to get me writing).
Due to the fact that I won't be looking back at what I write, mostly because that's the first sign of backtracking, I'll probably be in desperate need of someone to continuously remind me that I need to keep moving forward. It'll be repetitive, annoying, and probably make me want to kill her, but it'll also be deeply appreciated.