Title: Haunted
Chapter: Drabble
wolfy_luvPairing: Ken/Iv
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst-ish
Note: Don’t own them…blah blah blah.
There was a time where I used to love the music box I was given by you so many years ago. Now it's a constant reminder of what was and what could of been. The tune that plays is nothing but a haunting sound that never leaves my head even long after it stopped playing. Every time I come to see you play, I'm just another face in the sea of faces that scream for you. Sure you still hang out with me, but not like we used to, not how I wish we did. You're always busy with your music, while I'm trying to make a living running a bar. I just long for a day where you'll be all mine and I'm not haunted by this tune, but I know that day will never come, and I'll be forever reminded of you everytime I look at the music box and hear it's tune.