Fangs for the Memories

Nov 29, 2012 23:24

Another round in the dentist chair survived and now, minus three further teeth bringing the running total of extractions to eight, I have some time to get used to my new replacement fangs! Mr. Dentist Man suggested that these might take a good month or so to really get properly used to so, all things considered, I don't suppose I should consider my current state of being to be too terrible. If nothing else, I am glad that I shouldn't have to be returning to that particular chair until some time in February, assuming everything else goes well. This last appointment for a while did have a certain sense of strangeness about it and in its way perhaps was probably more difficult than any of my previous had been. Not entirely sure quite what it was that made it that bit more tricksy. Perhaps it was because this was a morning appointment, whereas previously I had been in the afternoon, and I'm never really quite at my best in the morning. Perhaps a third session of major treatment in a week just saw me reaching the ends of my stamina generally. As Mr. Dentist Man did say, I've been through a considerable amount of treatment for anyone. Things at the appointment all seemed to go unusually quickly too as I had barely a couple of minutes in the waiting room before I got called upstairs so I hadn't much time to particularly settle myself and so was maybe a bit more anxious than I might have been on that score too. I don't recall the radio or any kind of background music being on this time either so there was maybe less to distract myself with. Whatever the cause though I was a bit more unsettled this time around, and so it was the anaesthetic injections just seemed that little more unpleasant and, although afterwards things were naturally painless, the pressure of the extractions was yet rather unnerving although all three really came out fairly smoothly. Still, I did survive I suppose and I've never really entirely got to grips with quite precisely what sort of things my unhelpful nervous system is likely to react to.

Anywho, three more fangs removed, it came to the fitting of my replacements. This proved a slightly more sore business as they did catch on my gums a bit at first and had to be reshaped a little, my jaw having changed shape a little since the appointment when the mouldings were first taken. Still, eventually they were suitably attached and I was sent away with surprising swiftness clutching my little box and a set of instructions. I was told to keep the fangs in for at least an hour after my appointment, but being too nervous to remove them in case I couldn't work them back in again, after a while of sitting and dribbling blood over various places I eventually managed to persuade it to clot with the use of the gauze they had provided. It slightly surprised me to discover that the false fangs didn't quite go all the way back to cover the wisdom teeth that had been removed, but anyways, eventually I managed to subdue my ruby red drool and went to rest myself in bed whilst the feeling slowly returned to my face and the sense of having this strange thing stuck in my mouth started to get rather stranger. Eventually though, thanks partially to some very awkwardly swallowed ibuprofen, I was eventually able to find my way to a little sleep and by the evening I felt a little more comfortable and at least not in too much pain, despite the awkwardness of having this strange object in my mouth to contend with. Anyways, I didn't feel much in the mood for staying up very long so I was back in bed again before nine, and surprised myself by eventually managing to get myself a reasonable quantity of sleeps.

Today I have been endeavouring to get a little more closely acquainted with my new teeth. The denture itself actually didn't feel too bad in my mouth and actually my bigger worry today has been the healing of the open wounds that yet lie below them. I had some small difficulty in attempting to swallow more ibuprofens to try and take the edge off some of the soreness which led to some unpleasant regurgitations and not very much good to my confidence. They did go down however and, despite the odd twinge, things have been largely pain free but the worry over my three fresh wounds is yet proving rather difficult to dispell. Still, I managed some tepid coffee and did a good deal of sitting, slightly amused to discover my little town of Whitby had made the national news due to little landslide after all the rains we've had lately. Eventually I managed to persuade myself into some movement and had me a little wander out in the cold before returning for some more sitting and trying to work myself up into my first attempt at eating something with my new teeth! It didn't quite prove the easiest experience. I'd chosen a squishy pasta and tuna thing for my first effort but my initial bite led to some sudden unexpected movements of teeth which was a little unsettling. Possibly I should have gone for something a bit less sticky. Still, I perservered, cautiously nibbling a bit of pasta at a time with my front teeth, not trying to use the false ones too much. I did get a bit better at it as things went on but I suspect this eating things is going to be requiring a little more practice over forthcoming days.

Still, tomorrow I shall be fleeing to the sanctuary (or should that be asylum?) of the caravan so I can compare notes on dentures with parents and hopefully continue my practice in relative comfort and tranquility. Doubtless kitty will have all sorts of hints to offer too! For now though I suppose things haven't gone too badly at least considering all I've had to deal with. Is a little sore and somewhat awkward and salivating rather more than normal but things is not as yet impossibly unbearable. Will have to do my best and see how it goes and hopefully I shall get the hang of making use of these new jaws in time. I can't say it's exactly been fun but I can imagine far worse things. Indeed, seeing how my brain works, I do find myself imagining far worse things on a pretty regular basis but, umm, anyways, that just seems to be me I suppose. This whole experience with the dentist has been an intriguing one really. I can't say it has been educational, since I already knew that my brain was pretty well obsessed at being worried about entirely the wrong sort of things, but it has perhaps brought my various mental strangenesses into somewhat sharper focus. I yet find myself pondering if that if my head can't learn anything out of this ordeal I'm not really sure quite if it ever will. Hm, I seems to finds myself feeling rather too tired and wearied to be detailing my thoughts in that area quite as I would like to, so I shall step off that train of thought for now and have a brief pause at the station for a little bit before I continues with that journey. Still, presently I can say that things are somewhat tricksy and I can't be entirely certain what lies ahead, but despite some unpleasantness things are yet to seem too entirely unbearable. So, err, that's a good thing right?

Of course, my adventures this week haven't all been tooth related. Sunday at the shop proved a decidedly quiet affair on account of an impressive quantity of rains. Customers were rather thin on the ground but that did at least allow me a little more time for some reasonable quantity of bookherding though this has now been further complicated by news from our beloved area manager that he now wants all of general fiction books priced at £2. Previously, the smaller sized paperbacks were £2 and the larger £2.50. As yet I remain to be convinced whether any of these continued price reduction are likely to get our branch selling the additional quantites of books that will be required to maintain the same amount of takings but I hopes to be proved wrong. Repricing everything is an addtional amount of unnecessary work though so it was a probably a good thing that not much was going on during Tuesday either so that my glamorous assistant could get through some of that. I shall see what I might be able to manage to do myself on Friday, but in the end we shall just have to see in what sort of direction my little graph goes when I updates it further over the next few weeks. The rains left the Coliseum a pretty quiet place on Monday too which left me plenty of time to add a couple of new events to the website. We're playing host to David Bellamy the weekend after next! I know, exciting huh? Equally exciting I also got to fathom out a method to transfer folders of archived email from our our hotmail accounts to the new integrated system we have on Gmail, so everyone can have there own professional sounding address under the same domain,, and things can hardly get more exiciting than that can they?! So there was at least some fun to be had this week, besides my other ordeals. Umm, yes.

For now though I'm just hoping that Friday at the shop may yet prove equally as quiet as the rest of this week has (despite it supposedly being the busiest shopping day before Christmas) and I can escape to the caravan to continue my convalesence in relative peace and tranquility. Is just a little sore and awkward now and looking forward to when I might be able to sit back with a reasonably clear mind and think about some more positive arrangements for living, like sorting out plans for Christmas which as yet I've barely had a single thought about and the prospect of which yet slightly terrifies and depresses me. Hopefully though I shall soon enough find myself in reasonable condition that I can catch up with living again. In some perverse manner, all this trauma I've had with the dentist has actually been strangely restful in that it has allowed me to not have to think about the really awkward things of living and social interactions of the kind my brain gets really nervous and insecure about. Heh, I'm not actually that bad with these extreme and unusual situations, it's the basic stuff of day to day that my brains have problems with, or at least so it might sometimes seem. Oh well, I've got a bit of recoverings to do before I get properly back to that yet so we shall see how that goes first. Still, maybe yet my brains might learn from how it has coped with the traumas of this past month and actually realise it should be more than capable of managing with the rest of living. Heh, I'd like to think that but in all these years my brain hasn't much seemed to show any tendency towards that capacity as yet but still, I cling to what vague hopes I can!

Hm, now though I seem to be growing a little saw of gums, and also of eyeballm again, so perhaps is time I shuffled off and tried to get myself a little bit more rest? Hopefully this coming Friday may prove reasonably manageable too such that I look forward to a placid weekend of rests and recuperations, teach myself to eat and speak a little more properly again, and set myself up in reasonable shape for to face those more onerous challenges of daily livings that face me in the week ahead. Well, such is the plan anyways, I shall do my best to do my best and see how it goes. In the meantime I hopes all you nice folks out there have a pleasant weekend ahead and your worlds be treating you with all due kindness. I certainly remains grateful for all the supports and sympathies and helpful friendships you've shared little me over the past weeks so I do indeed sends all my very best wishes out to you all. Heh, of course like everything else that is wrong with my life, my traumas of these latest ordeals are pretty much all self created but just maybe I might yet learn something positive from all these shenanigans. Certainly one thing, if nothing else, that peoples is really much lovelier and more kindful than my silly brains will often imagine. Although it may seem that my brains imaginations parted ways with rational consciousness a long time ago, but certainly that rational consciousness of mine is a most grateful thing and sends all the conscious best wishes and other such good things. Imma return with further news and ramblings as and when but fare thee well for now my little group of good reading peoples, and fangs for the memories!

(Yes, well, I had been planning to muse a fair bit more on how my past had potentially affected the brains I has now which would of course have given that dreadful pun a somewhat resonant relevance but puppy is too tired for such things. Heh, can't go wasting such a truly terrible old joke now though can we?!)
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