Sign ups open until the 8th.
Deadline: 27th.
LJ Username:
Valid e-mail:
Your Birthdate (optional):
Max rating of picture (G-R):
Species (MUST be at least half wolf):
Anthro or Feral?:
Description (include special markings, scars, etc):
Accessories (jewlery, weapons, etc):
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Name: Silv
LJ Username: silver_love
Valid e-mail: silverfire (at) turkulainen (dot) com
Your Birthdate (optional): March -89
Max rating of picture (G-R): R
Name: Dusty
Gender: Female
Species (MUST be at least half wolf): Wolf
Anthro or Feral?: Anthro
Eyes: Left eye is a deep brown, right eye slashed over.
Description (include special markings, scars, etc): Dusty always stands regal, she holds her head high and appears very sure of herself, yet she never is cocky. There is something highly aristocratic in her behaviour, despite her rather mangled outlook.
Beneath her thick grey fur run a ton of minor, non-visible scars. Three major scars show even through the fur: her right eye is covered by a scar, her left breast is completely missing and there's a slash on the front of her hips, on the right. Dusty's ears are torn and tattered. Also there is a tiny scrap of rusted metal sewn onto the calf of her right leg. The bit of metal is not attachted to her skin, it dangles from a string that's sewn in.
Apart from these scars, Dusty does not noteworthlily stand out. Grey fur, brown eye, no specific headfur.
Wardrobe: Often her garb consist only of a loincloth of a neutral color, but may be seen wearing other practical clothing. Hardly ever anything that would draw attention to her, unless it's her old performance armour, golden and way more pretty than practical.
Accessories (jewlery, weapons, etc): Often seen with her sword, a common long sword, nothing fancy there. Much like this: http://www.heavenlyswords.com/images/P/medieval_longsword_00-29X57.jpg
Preferred environment: Acts as a bodyguard for a person of royalty, so fancy courts, gardens and other such places tend to be frequently visited. But they travel a lot, so practically any sort of non-scifi scene is fine.
Personality: Calm and always aware of her surroundings, appears proud but not haughty, knows her strenghts, know her weaknesses. Her expressions are rather muted due to her job.
Anything else we should know: Ask if you have questions.
Reference Pictures (please have at least one and give full URLs):
Here the scars are the wrong way around, otherwise a good reference by Vodkaandtomatojuice:
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