This weekend was our weekend at the Northern California Ren Faire, which was all kinds of awesome. I don't have pictures, but Casidhe posted them here: (post protected, but if you don't watch him, you should!)
Then, Monday, I got to go hear a "Geek Reading" from Randall Munroe of XKCD fame. I went with Jo3hn, and also neighbor-down-the-block/dancer/good-friend Mari, who-I found out the day of the event-was Randall's first girlfriend. *jawdrop* It was fun, and he signed my book, too!
Tuesday I attended a hastily-arranged fursuit bowling night, in Santa Clara-no, wait, Fremont. It was a lot of fun, it was a great venue, and I think they want us back! Aaron posted some great pics here: And finally, yesterday was public dancing in Union Square, followed by a fursuit work night. I didn't get an awful lot done at the suitnight, but dancing was pretty awesome--and GroggyFox and Leo even came. (Note to you two: dance more next time!)
Anyway, now is my night in (the first in a long time) so I can do laundry and prepare for this weekend's craziness (Fairyland and Folsom, which seem to compete against each other for surreality).
So there. Life. I like it.