Under The Same Sky in HD + Flickr Group

Jan 17, 2009 12:53

Two things dealing with media websites!

#1, Furry samurai film Under the Same Sky has been uploaded to mind-blowing eye-popping screen-filling noun-verbing high definition.  The film was shot in HD, so the new upload moves from an effective resolution of 320x180 (not including 30-line black bars on the top and bottom) to 1280x720.

Note that DVD resolution is "480p" and this is "720p".  Yes, that means that YouTube is delivering a higher-quality video than the proposed-and-still-not-yet-created Under The Same Sky DVD release.

I made a geeky graphic that shows just how awesome this is, that probably no one will see, but oh well.

HD video link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPHF7wOsV6Q&fmt=22

#2, the Flickr group that I created for Further Confusion is going pretty well.  After two day, we have 15 members, and over 1100 photos.  Hopefully that gives it enough momentum that people will start adding 2009 photos to it.  I know I intend to; I want to actually take some photos this time.  And if you have a Flickr account, be sure you join the pool!

Flickr community link:  http://www.flickr.com/groups/furtherconfusion

More on my life later.  In the meantime, enjoy these juicy media bits.

i made this, flickr, youtube, video editing, furry, fc2009

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