Oct 18, 2006 21:00
Just came away from a game of Ultimate Frisbee!!! DAMN THAT GAME IS GOOD! :DDD
Now don't mistake my enthusiasm for me having the skill, speed or stamina to be able to play properly - that would be a massive mistake - this is just a love of the game. If I was playing on my motorbike I think that I'd stand a much better chance :p
It is official, I seriously need to get fit, and quickly - I'm part of a social comp that's started northside and I'm going to be playing every week... that said I think that the pollen gods are conspiring against me, half way through the game today I had to pike purely because I couldn't breathe! Luckily I had some anti-histamine under my bike seat, so I could keep doing that thing that I enjoy so much (and I'm usually so good at) - BREATHING!
Hope that the start of the week's treated everyone well. Assessement is my major concern at the moment, 3 massive assignments due in under 2 weeks :s As Douglas Adams put it - DON'T PANIC!! I'm getting the impression that everyone's in the same boat though.
Oh and warning to everyone - once the semester's over be expecting some big changes with me! Last exam is on the 9th of November, but I've got to admit I'm fully over this whole uni thing now - very muchly ready for the 'holidays' to begin!
All the best to everyone out there! Hugs to all =)