I must admit, last year I had no idea on July 1 that I'd be spending this day in Denver a year later, but it can be nice when life is unpredictable. It's been nice spending some time with
cristofurcoyote and the mountains look beautiful from the city. You know me and my mountains. ;) I haven't had this much non-working vacation in a long time and it's nice to be lazy. I think the last 4th of July that I spent Stateside was probably Anthrocon many moons ago.
It's been a year today since Dad died and it's been quite a year indeed. I'm doing OK in that department, even though I still have tears once in a while. All I know is life owes me one. Two, actually. Here's to the next year and the changes that are forthcoming. I don't know what they are, but I can't wait to find out. *hugs to you all*