May 15, 2009 13:43
Gah! Commissioning Week has arrived! Parents will start pouring in from all over the country this weekend, and next week is one long hectic string of events. Meanwhile, we have been packing out of our rooms and cleaning them so we can get checked out for the summer. Talk about chaos!
Sunday is a busybusybusy day for me. In the morning I have my sister's sorority induction reception in Baltimore. Then I have to be back here so that I can go to a formal tea being hosted by one of the officer's wives. She wants everyone who is going to be marrying a Marine to attend so that we can get a crash course on what to expect, as well as set up a social networking and support-type group. Then Sunday evening is the garden party at the Superintendant's house.
On Monday the Plebes climb Herndon. I hope they finish quickly, but take longer than 1hr 14 min. That's how long my class took, and we currently hold the record! But the sooner they finish, the sooner the rest of us can go on liberty.
Thursday in the Color P-Rade. Oh joy. Another p-rade to march in so that my arm can fall off from holding a rifle for a solid hour.
Friday is graduation! Since I am not graduating until December, there isn't much for me there. But I will still attend and be there to cheer on my classmates and friends.
Just about every night next week one of my friends is having a grad party. So far, I don't think any of them overlap.Let's hope it stays that way.
Then next Sunday is the wedding of a friend that I am going to.
Next Tuesday is the start of summer school.
Crazy week and a half, huh?
And, I just got back from Houston where I was last weekend for my fiancee's sister's graduation from Rice. That was one hell of a whirlwind tour of Houston. We were there for less than 48 hours, and were in four different airports in half as many days.
In and amoungst all of this, I have had to pack up all of my dolls until summer school starts, so I without even one for about the next two weeks. :( Ah well. Back to cleaning!