Back to school?

Aug 24, 2013 11:04

So my company requires everyone to meet with their managers soon after joining to establish career goals, which I think is used to rate employees at evaluation time. This is all new to me since I've never worked for a company large enough to do that. To that end, I decided that one of my goals is to get more education. I was looking for schools that taught certifications since 1. I'll get that faster than completing my degree and 2. offer classroom training since I can finally admit to myself that online classes, while convenient, just aren't working that well for me.

And that is how I came across TrainACE, Academy of Computer Education. I'm still trying to figure out which course I can sign up for since their campus courses don't really work well for my work schedule. One coworker yesterday offered to trade hours with me if our (team's) manager is on board with it. I'm sitting down with my company manager this week, maybe tomorrow, to outline those goals. Hopefully, within a year, I'll be able to put letters behind my name in my email signature.

And since creating a link on the name of the school isn't working:


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