May 02, 2011 00:08
I am a patriot.
I love my country and mourn the lives lost
At the hands of corruption in the world,
At those who disrupt what peace we “fight” for
Yet still I mourn other victims of evil,
Those who are tossed aside,
Cursed with the hatred of every civil soul,
Every man, woman, and child
Who have lost to those blood-stained hands
Would see yet more blood spilt.
I shed a tear for the terrorists,
Who have no love,
Victims of something greater than themselves,
Captured by an evil they just can’t get free of
A madness without boundary that preys on the weak,
They speak the unspeakable,
They think the unthinkable,
And they do things that make the devil shrink
In the face of what’s truly terrible on this Earth.
I am fortunate,
I have lived with love and have had happiness
There will be tears when I die, and people will see
Only what was good in my life,
They will ignore the bad in me.
I will never have to face the weighted fears of the world,
Of a power that costs lives and a corruption that stole my soul.
There will not be eruptions of glee when I die,
From every family who knows what loss is, and every family
Who simply pretends, and conforms to the mass mindset that says
They should celebrate.
There will not be unsympathetic facebook posts from strangers,
Rejoicing while those who loved me grieve.
I am a patriot,
I love my country,
And I’m indebted, loyally, to those who have lost lives for it.
Yet there is more to life than politics,
And I mourn the other side of the story,
I mourn for a man, and not a monster,
I shed tears for a terrorist.