Jul 26, 2007 23:40
WHY???? WHY???? WHY????
It's a stupid room-mate.
"I want this, and I want that" "Lets bitch about not having any money...but lets also buy a bunch of useless stuff that no-one needs and I am hardly gonna use." "Lets bitch about gas, but drive all over the place with my gay friends, which is the reason my sorry ass can't get a relationship in the first place." "Lets bitch about relationships, even though I was WARNED that my last one was gonna fail, just because he was that kinda person."
on.....and on....and on.....and fucking on.....
but wait...it gets better.
Lets TRY to be sympathetic.....lets try to offer advice....lets try to tell her that she isn't the only one having to choose either full time student and part time job or full time job and part time student. Lets TRY to build up her self-esteem.
and what happens....bitch....whine....moan......act like a fucking 4 year old......and when nothing else works...oooh...look....my friends have weed...that will make my problems disappear....
OMFG....I wish..no...I PRAY that the shyt I had to go through hit her...cuz she'll either learn to buck up to the fucking plate and stop whining like a little bitch...or off herself....