Parades suck

Mar 12, 2006 09:55

So I'm going to the St Patricks Day parade today - not by choice mind you. Every year my mom takes Patrick but I had no idea it was today..and I have my 6 year old nephew for the when my mom called and asked if she could take Patrick today, I couldn't very well let him go without my nephew...and I couldn't ask my mom to take both of them by there you have it.

Yesterday I got 95% of what I wanted to do accomplished. I got the front of the house cleaned up - they boys managed to pick up most of the sticks on the lawn before they decided they wanted to play - it was ok though because it was such a BEAUTIFUL day I would rather have had them outside than watching TV anyway. I got 2 full barrels of crap to go out with the recycling Thursday - I swear, if those recycling guys won't take it, I'm gonna have a nice chat with the DPW honchos. I didn't get a lot of the hill next to my house cleaned, I ran out of room in the barrels but next weekend is supposed to be somewhat nice too so I can do it I ran out of ambition. Oh well.

So Doug brought Dave back yesterday afternoon around 1 - I was fucking SHOCKED when they walked through the door. I thought for sure I wouldn't see hide nor hair of them until Monday. Of course, Doug left around 6...said he "had to go"...yeah, well, whatever...

And while we're on that subject...

I have to keep reminding myself that there is nothing I can do about the way Doug wants to live his life. I've tried being supportive, I've tried being unselfish and giving, I've tried loving him unconditionally, I've tried being demanding, I've tried being bitchy, I've even tried (Goddess forgive me) being NEEDY. I've tried begging, I've tried asking, I've tried being nonchalant and uncaring, I've tried being direct and I've tried beating around the bush. Nothing - I repeat, NOTHING has worked and now there's nothing left to try.

End of diatribe.

Parade time. Oh, yay.
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