Dec 07, 2007 03:37

Drag Queen fic.

No, seriously. Everyone has mystically and luckily relocated to Vegas. C'mon guys, Vegas Drag Queen Revue! Gerard's the star (for God's sake, his favorite things in the world are Liza and his feather boa)! Spencer Smith and his shoe obsession! Ryan Ross being a bitchy princess and doing everyone's make-up (provided you don't piss him off)! BILL BECKETT. Mikey Way actually being consistently mistaken for a girl! Pete running the show and, well, hitting on everyone. Patrick does the music, Bob as the bouncer (uhm. yes, please. and with a big crush on Spencer because my God his hips are ridiculous, especially when he's sashaying around in heels). Brendon as the over-enthusiastic new guy who seems to exist entirely on Red Bull and possibly paint fumes. Gabe is that creepy guy who wears ascots and comes to every show! Bad Madonna impressions! Worse Cher impressions! Ryan trying to dress up like Audrey Hepburn! Gerard being physically unable to stop saying "Liza with a Z" and posing! Glitter! Sequins! Shenanigans! More glitter! How very shiny and awesome!

also, this was first sunshinepill's idea we bounced around ^__^
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