This is from the anonymous meme!

Nov 22, 2007 09:50

So someone went "Bandom girls!" in the anonny memethingy!


Therefore people were now Interested in this strange new idea I have randomly been shipping since about Projekt Revolution.

For those who don't know Kitty: here's my picspam:

She's drummer of MSI, apparently Jimmy's cousin (though they claim half the band is related to someone else so..). She's been in MSI since the beginning and she plays the drums like she's a human drum machine. She's possibly the most awesome member basically.


Bob meets Kitty on PR. He never knew them, but the rest did and spoke of how Wacky and Weird the band was. And the first night they were having a bit of a get together, while Gerard was busy drawing dragons for LynZ. He meets Kitty who's wearing cowboy boots and leggings and her skirt has an underlay of lime green. She has big eyes and a bigger smile and he has No Idea what the fuck to say to her. Cause she's so weird to him. And she makes jokes that remind him a bit of Mikeyway. But then he finds out she's a drummer and tries to talk technique with her. Then goes D: when he finds out she has a kit of three drums in total. Then she laughs and he's still appalled, but then she offers him a beer. So it's all good.

So then they have sex.

And he finds out she's older than him. Older lady/younger dude is STILL REALLY HOT.
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