Jun 05, 2008 10:14
Gnostics claim that their religion is based on knowledge (gnosis), not on faith, which is inferior and on which everybody else bases their religious beliefs. That is, they claim to know the nature of God, Christ, the Universe, etc..
What they would quickly realise, if they took the time to look at other religious traditions and talk with people in those traditions, is that, at least among people who are educated in their religion and take the time to investigate it and take it seriously, blind faith isn't all that common. People in all traditions "know" that the fundamentals taught by those traditions are True. Sufis "Know" that Allah is One, omnipotent, all-encompassing, and Creator; Gnostics "Know" the opposite.
Alas, I can never tell whether a broad education and awareness of relativism, subjectivism, and postmodernism are curses or boons.