My brain does odd things when I sleep.

Oct 16, 2005 20:33

Last night I had a series of bizarre, interrelated dreams involving: wolves chasing mice in the snow; me directing a play or musical whose cast included a girl with long, crinkly black hair, my high school crush, and some creatures who may have been space aliens; hanging out with Montgomery Gentry to evaluate somehow the aforementioned theatrical production (and frala, you bet your ass I was flirting with Troy!), and also they were bailiffs for a court trial or something in which my mom was involved and badgering Troy and Eddie. I wish I could remember more details because it was a damned entertaining dream.

It's stuff like this that makes me thoroughly sceptical of any prophetic or divinatory content in dreams. Seriously.

I read Völsunga saga finally, and, um, why exactly is this a classic? It's nothing but adults acting like bratty little children! Brynhild is a bitter, jealous, petty, shallow, thoughtless bitch! The only character with a shred of decency is Sigurd (actually, Fafnir wasn't so bad, but he was a dragon and therefore Eeeeevil and had to be killed just-because). I mean, yeah it was a different time and culture, but still, for all their talk of valour and honour these people are about as horrible as can be. It's even worse than modern soap operas.


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