Jul 19, 2006 09:59

Ok, its been in the upper 90's with heat index's over 100 degrees for weeks now. At least we are finally getting some rainfall, though. I love hot weather, but not oven weather that takes your breath away.

Work is about to get pretty hairy. I will be by myself to manage the Executive Office for 3 weeks starting next Tuesday. Most people are ecstatic when their boss is out, but not I, not when you have to assume her work duties along with my own, AGH! Just one day by yourself here is enought to drive you to drinking!!!! At times, it cam be enough work for several people. Oh well, it is a good place to work at any rate, just extremely busy, I mean hell, we are still busting out a** over LAST YEARS hurricane. Oii. Ok, not going to get on a LA bashing session again.

But then,......we are taking a road trip to San Antonio and New Mexico in September for Labor Day weekend!!!!! Can't wait, not only will it be MUCH needed, but its going to be a blast. I have always wanted to visit NM for some reason, but no one ever took me seriously. We are going to Sea World first, then Carlsbad, then Guadelupe, Bottomless Lakes, Santa Fe, maybe Roswell, then a trail hike the last couple days!!!!!! I dont think I will be coming back. I mean, coming back from Tennesee was enough to make me cringe ad depress the hell outta me. Let alone after seeing natural parks like this and all these wonderful sites and beautiful weather.

I wish I could move there already.....LOL.

Well, I guess this is all for now.
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