THERE ONCE WAS A . . . ( * giggle* its just so funny )

Apr 02, 2005 22:34

HHHHHHHHEEEEEEEELLLLLLLO and welcome to ha ha ha nooooo u are a mean mean . . . person man woman robot panda eating jelly beans thingy ahhhhh run away from what i dunno what one of these ( fill in the blank ) hahahaha run my fruits run for i no u will come crawling back to me hahaha oh no u cant y not b/c I LOVE ME!!! huh? rrrrrrriiiiiiiggggghhhhhhtttttt so there onces was a world where there are no longer ppl b/c the had to many babies with pigs but they were killes off too man thats just wrong ok ill tone it down DAMN STRIGHT pownd it ha ha well in this world there was a little stone his name was pebble and then he became a gigant dragon statue and started breahting fire in the littel old lady who lived in a shoe but then a sheep jumed in the well and was stuck lets go laught at its stupidity muhahaha i planed that hahahaha SHUTUP U SUCK AT TELLING STOTYS sooo man fine i'll go sit in a corrner and talk to my self hahahhahaha u'll never no hahaha right gingly gingly oh so gingly lets go eat PANCAKES and bacon lots of bacon hahah i wanna hear a story so do i me too me three how many ppl are here dunno but its story ttttiiiimmmmeeee ok once upon a time there was head band and this head band was no ordanry head band this head band was a self tying head band woooooaaaaahhhh yeah so this head bans who we shall call shiver so shiver could self tye and thats like so awesome right wrong shiver was sold to some horrible fat man who was sweaty and farted alot along with ate too much food and then wiped his mouth with shiver and shiver was stuck in other places too . . . nasty yep the sink so she ran away and joined the circus when all of a sudden shiver died yeah how boring ahhhhhhhhhh y could u say that y not right well ttfn
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