Mar 29, 2005 12:14
ha ha mara he mara ha hello soluite . . . anywas hello ppl whats up i havent written a story in a long time and im just lovn this song AHHHHH!!!! worms and bazookas wtf there comming to take over the world and the kangroors are like " wtf mates were being ingored im gonna go to the loo and leave a present for the president eh mate " and mr. bush is like my daddy says i dont have to and runs around the room like an airplane on coke . . . a cola that is hahahaha u have a dirty mind get a tissue and blow ur nose soo o o o o where was i right story LA LA LA LA LA ( starwars theme music ) y have that y not u jurk hey no need to !@#$ $!$%@#!$ @!$#$ ha ha beat that * voice from nowhere " STORY TIME MF " * mf? what the heck is that ( wispers into ear and starts to make funny faces . . .0_o ) oh right-o so now for are main attraction MARSH! MELLO! . . . once upon a time in a world filled with spelling erors and funny things there was a marshmello in ur shower ahhhhhhh its nacked . . .* um how big is this marshmello? * normal size oh right so yeah he was taking a showere in ur sink and then . . . in ocean avanue there was a crim accuring OH NO OH YES hahahaha for the evil dr pretizle had taken the geiko lizzard hostage and was making him break dance and eat MARSHMELLOS!!!! what a terrible thing to do yes it is so who will stop him . . . will u let me get to the story cuz ya no that marshmello that was taking a shower in the sink . . um oh right yeah well hes the ( wispers in ear ) oh yeah right i new that ok let me think ( plays with inisable beard ok right well he over hears us and turns into MARSH! MELLO! up up and away . . . . . . . . huff* huff* man this super hero stuff is hard work not being able to fly wait one sec TAXI take me to smome park where u think that dr. pretizle is holding the geiko lizzard said MELLO cuz mello is shorter and kooler ha speeling erors take that spell check! anyways some how he managted getting there and then outa no where P.W. , DAVID BOWIE , FRY , EASTER BUNNY , ZUSE , PHOSIDEN , AND alantica! ha ha that is so kool i love that word any ways lotes of other ppl were there and they threw a supprize b-day party fo MELLO! ( hey dont feel bad i didnt no it was his b-day until just now so ) the music was plastn and that attracted evil aliens to the party they werent allowed in of corse cuz they didnt have an invite but they did manage to take out an AK47 AND BLAST THE DOOR DOWN WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW du lu lu lu lu (like from the really old batman come on that has to bring bak some good times) right any was so robin was like " HOLY ALIENS WITH AK47 BATMAN " um dude ur rambling so will u just end the story well all right so yeah MELLO! wasnt gonna stand fo it in his house on his b-day so there was a big fight sence and lots squirrl action so in the end this teaches us anothere valibule lesson do what ever it takes just dont get caught and thats how columbus found this talking dog so how come ur selling this dog? CUZ HE'S A LIER! well now t t f n like u care any ways u lier go home ur drunk right que the cheesey insperitonal music DA E....( YAWN) ND END