So, as usual, I'm behind on my blogging. No great excuse considering I'm UNEMPLOYED now and should therefore have lots of free time, but as usual, I fill up all my free time doing too much. And I've been snowed in and trafficked in and all sorts of stuff that should have kept me glued to the internet, and therefore caught up on my flist and emails, etc... but no, instead, I found Twilight.
I am not a fast reader, but I read about 300 pages in the last 24 hours, and stayed up until 4AM last night because I couldn't put it down. I don't understand how this woman got published, she is mediocre at best when it comes to writing, and honestly it reminds me of fanfic I wrote in high school. I have read better written fanfic than this, I have friends who could write circles around Stephenie Meyer. So I really can't understand why this is SUCH CRACK. I can't put it down. It's all I think about. I WANT A SPARKLY VAMPIRE BOYFRIEND. (At least my boyfriend's name is already Edward. *g*) I am just like in love with this book, and I don't understand why but... I love it. It's so bad it's good.
foreverseenstar and I went to see the movie today... lulz. I haven't finished reading Twilight yet, so I don't feel like I can adequately comment on the movie until I do. So I'll just leave you with my favorite scene:
Haha! Later, skaterz!