On the list of things I am in no mood to deal with tonight...

Nov 21, 2008 00:28

Here's a list of things that are annoying me at this very moment, in no particular order. Maybe if I put them out there I can kind of mentally put them in a box and make them go away. Or something.

On notice:
the random aches and pains in my leg and hip
my lack of a heating pad
going to work
Alton Brown's creepy long hair
the biting cold that probably won't let up til spring
my hair
Gmail's hideous new layouts
the zits exploding all over my face
Grey's Anatomy's ridiculous plots
my messy apartment that I'm too lazy to clean

But that's why kellystar and I split an order of tiramisu tonight and I had a large glass of red wine. Now I'm going to go to bed and wait for EB to get home, and pretend that I have a heating pad for the annoying pain in my leg. Later, skaterz.

grey's anatomy, bitching, lists

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