Day In The Life - Day 5

Apr 30, 2008 00:51

Today was more productive (but not productive enough) and a little less gloomy (but not much).

Day 5 - April 29, 2008

8:34 - Putting on my face for the day.

9:09 - This is the Starbucks I frequent on the weekdays.

11:30 - I hate it when my word of the day is something I already know.

16:25 - Swamped!

18:06 - The sun finally decided to come out.

18:41 - Dinner (tofu pups, not the real thing but an excellent vegetarian substitute) while I catch up on Monday night's TV.**

20:40 - Renting movies (Across The Universe & Martian Child) and buying songs (Fall Out Boy's cover of 'Beat It', though I still don't understand where John Mayer comes in...) off of iTunes.

21:05 - uconngaz and I were almost the only ones in the theatre. (Another couple walked in right before the movie started.)

21:19 - Why can't they update this goddamn emergency exit screen?! Seriously, they've been using the same one since 1983!

Tomorrow there needs to be even more productivity. Otherwise I'll totally get fired. lulz But I was good though... I didn't go on Facebook at all during work! Gah, I am sucking at this getting to bed by 1 AM thing. Later, skaterz.

**Wasn't as impressed by 'House' as I thought I'd be based on everyone's comments... but ZOMG CAMERON AND HOUSE TOTALLY SLEPT TOGETHER! THEIR LOVE IS SO CANON! And 'HIMYM' is supposed to make me laugh not make me sad, damnit! Woobie!Barney makes me unhappy. 'Bones' totally wins the Monday night showdown.

vegetarianism, starbucks, pictures, house md, day in the life, how i met your mother, work, movies

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