
Sep 17, 2007 06:30

[ - stats - ]

[ name? ] Tiffany
[ age? ] 17
[ male/female? ] Female
[ astrological sign? ] Virgo

[ are your traits typical of those of your sign, totally different, or do you not care/pay attention? ] I don't really care/pay attention but I have been told that I have a few Virgo traits but overall I'm more like an Aries.

[ strengths ] Independent, mature, emotionally strong, firey, passionate, leader, friendly, kind, caring, expressive, opionated/out-spoken, reflective, observational, listener, fighter (for beliefs/friends/etc), steadfast, intelligent/intellectual, open-minded, energetic, dreamer, free-spirited, dedicated, determined
[ weaknesses ] Temper, sassy, stubborn/headstrong/strong-willed, overly critical, procrastinator, rebellious (I've never been good with authority, heh, heh), impatient, apathetic (though I'm starting to turn optimistic - I'm going to college next year), hides feelings, envious, defensive, snippy, insulting, assertive, moody (PMS ^^)
[ hobbies and/or talents ] Singing, playing guitar, listening to music, reading (mainly mystery and suspense), drawing, sports (basketball, football, and volleyball), martial arts, dance, skateboarding, hanging with friends, being outdoors, horseback riding, debate, swimming, hiking, traveling, acting, leading (somewhat), manipulating, making people laugh

[ would you like two stamps (personality + appearance, pictures required), OR just one (personality)? ] Both!

[ - questions - ]

[ what is your outlook on life? ] Heh, I'm still working on it. I've moved around several times so I don't have much stability. I guess it's to make the most of the time you have somewhere and to adapt when change comes.

[ what makes you unique? ] Hmm. I'm emotionally strong - I never cry. As a girl, I'm very independent - I don't need a guy to complete me. For my age I'm mature and I can be serious or funny depending on the mood.

[ how many people in your life would you die for if you had to? ] My friends and siblings in a heartbeat.

[ is there anyone you admire? if yes, who and why? if not, why not? ] Yes, I admire Tony Dungy because he can keep his cool, he's a great leader, and a great Christian. Other than that, I don't look up to many people because no one can ever back their words up with action.

[ if you could be reincarnated as any creature (besides wolves), what would you be and why? ] Either a horse or eagle because they are beautiful, independent, majestic, and free.

[ what would you do if you found $500 on the floor and no one was around who may have dropped it? ] I'd split it up - half for me, half to my parents (they have a few financial problems - nothing major but every little bit helps).

[ on a stressful day, what do you do to relax? ] Sleep, listen to music, read, exercise. Or veg out on the couch with food and the remote.

[ if there were no consequences, which law would you want to break and why? ] The speed limit because going fast is fun.

[ a homeless man once said this to me: "what is live spelled backwords? evil. what is lived spelled backwords? devil. what is dog spelled backwards? god. and what is man's best friend?"...what do you make of this? ] *raises eyebrow* Everyone lives, and there is evil in this world. There is a battle between good and evil - a spiritual side to everything. God wants to be the center of our lives but it doesn't always happen.

[ share a favorite quote. why do you like it? ]
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." I like this one because it's inspiring. My mom runs me down a lot and I've let it get to me but this quote reminds me to keep going.

[ anything else you'd like to say? ]

[ - pictures/description - ]

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