Meh? Ookami?

Feb 26, 2007 16:39

[ - stats - ]

[ name? ] Kara
[ age? ] 15
[ male/female? ] female
[ astrological sign? ] I was born on the day that the signs change from virgo to libra, also the autumn equinox. So. Umm. Take your pic.

[ are your traits typical of those of your sign, totally different, or do you not care/pay attention? ] Both of mine are supposed to be well-balanced, which I suppose I am...

[ strengths ] writing, acting, singing, swimming, umm... I have straight teeth, a generally positive outlook on life, I'm very resilent, I make people laugh, I'm good at cooking mexican food and cakes
[ weaknesses ] dancing, (I cannot dance to save my life) I'm very very very shy when I first meet people, I have a bad temper,
[ hobbies and/or talents ] writing, acting, singing, swimming, cooking, making people laugh

[ would you like two stamps (personality + appearance, pictures required), OR just one (personality)? ] Both, please. You can see what I look like by looking @ my avatar, but if that's too small, I'm fine w/ just being stamped w/ personality.

[ - questions - ]

[ what is your outlook on life? ] What's going to happen will happen, and despite being able to effect events in some way, they're going to occur. Not destiny, exactly, or a 'right path' or 'loss of free will' but I really believe that certain things may be... predestined. Certain major events.

[ what makes you unique? ] Isn't everyone unique? My height, the way I laugh, the way I can get so intensely emotional about something and then dismiss it entirely, the way that I write (when seriously attempting to do so)

[ how many people in your life would you die for if you had to? ] ...none. I don't think I share that level of commitment towards anyone--maybe my youngest brother, perhaps my mother.
Despite that, I'd feel immensely guilty afterwards and would probably want to die myself.

[ is there anyone you admire? if yes, who and why? if not, why not? ] Rachael Joy Scott; an amazing girl who died in the Columbine shootings. I didn't know her personally, but from what I've heard about her, Rachael was just an amazing person who did everything she could to 'promote peace' w/in her high school and throughout the narrow confines of her life.

[ if you could be reincarnated as any creature (besides wolves), what would you be and why? ] I've been told that personality-wise I resemble a horse--like, a foal. baby horse-- (?) because I'm so energetic, clumbsy, and I have such long legs... I get excited over the little things, and don't seem to care that much about the big ones.

[ what would you do if you found $500 on the floor and no one was around who may have dropped it? ] I'd be tempted to take it, but I have a very, very strong conscience regarding these sorts of things, so I'd probably give it to the authorities, disregarding the fact that the officers on duty will probably take it for themselves.

[ on a stressful day, what do you do to relax? ] Sleep. Play music and sleep, or go swimming. Sleep outside on a warm day, sleep next to a pool. Write.

[ if there were no consequences, which law would you want to break and why? ] Stealing. I've always harbored a secret desire to break into American Eagle or one of those preppy clothing stores and steal all of their expensive clothing for myself. God, that sounds really selfish, but seriously. No pair of pajama pants, however nice, should cost $50 (disregarding the fact that I bought a pair of pajama pants that were on sale from there for only 15 dollars last week ^^)

[ a homeless man once said this to me: "what is live spelled backwords? evil. what is lived spelled backwords? devil. what is dog spelled backwards? god. and what is man's best friend?"...what do you make of this? ] Well, I have two dogs myself; a german shepard and a shi-tzu, and I must agree that they do seem to be man's best friend. The words seem to be mere coincidences, I might as well tell you that nun spelled backwards is nun. Despite my currently pessimistic attitude, I still find these small occurences fascinating... but it seems to be my unshakeable belief that they're coincidences. Who would arrange to have them spelled that way? Is it the fate of the universe, or at least the English language? I mean, nothing spelled backwards in Latin--so far as I know, I'm only halfway through Latin II @ school--means anything backwards, and is that not the core language of English?

[ share a favorite quote. why do you like it? ] Ugh. Ummm... I'll get back to you on that. I'm tired...

[ anything else you'd like to say? ] Nope, that's all.

[ - pictures/description - ]

You can look @ my avatar.
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