Whoa, LJ has certainly changed!

Feb 27, 2015 00:24

I just hopped onto this account to look for something, but man--Livejournal has sure changed!

That observation worthy of Captain Obvious aside, I've been really enjoying Fafner Exodus, Aldnoah Zero, and Sailor Moon Crystal so far.

The animation is certainly much smoother in this series of Fafner, and it's just as intense as storyline that was built toward the end of the first series. As the ending theme begins to play over the last bit of content for the episode, I always find myself wishing I could just marathon the series. There are so many foreboding phrases and visual hints, not to mention Soushi's doom-and-gloom, after-the-fact reflections. I just want to know what happens!

Aldnoah Zero--I feel like this has been overhyped on my Tumblr. It's okay, but it's definitely not holding my interest as well as it probably should. I just can't identify with any of the characters because they are boring to me.

Sailor Moon Crystal is cute. It's my shoujo series for a while. It's considerably more like the manga than the original anime, and I'm okay with that. I like the pacing of the series, and I love the fact that the transformation sequences don't last forever.

Anyway, I've been down with the flu for a week. I've been avoiding grading essays and reading Animal Farm (I hate that book, but I have to teach it) by reflecting on things I used to like doing with my life: reading for enjoyment and writing out of a pure, unadulterated passion for the creative process.

Thinking along those lines, I decided to take a look at the story I have been writing since I was in middle school and picked up once while I was a freshman in college. While my writing style has changed a bit over the course of nearly eight (goodness, it's been a while) years, it is not a considerably noticeable difference from my original style. This is a good thing.

I want to continue that story. I want to develop the lives of those characters. I had created nations, cultures, customs, holidays, worldwide beliefs, history, and characters--all rich with detail and purpose. I have the inner workings of a flourishing world in my mind and several chapters already written and awaiting review; I just need to put my fingers to the keyboard and let my thoughts splash across the screen.

A confidant is needed in my life--well, a confidant and time. I am still working on securing that second concept, and my week-long illness has definitely cramped my plans when it comes to having "me" time.

Now, I do believe I am beginning to ramble, so I think I will leave things here.
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