No, Bush no va al Caribe. No participe en el summito.

Dec 18, 2008 04:34

The USA used white phosphorus in Iraq.

It's nasty stuff.

Illegal to use as a "weapon" in war - it's for illumination.


I mean, illegal. In war.


I'm sure that, while I'm holding my white phosphorus as I watch that guy over there kill my guy over here, my exact experience will be thus:

Me: They got Charlie!
Buddy: No, Erin! You can't! It's illegal!
Me: Oh, you're right. Duh, what was I thinking?

People are stupid.


Obama, supporter of change, has chosen Rick Warren to invocate at his inauguration ceremony in January.

Rick Warren:

Seems everything's about scraping votes nowadays. I'm curious how much Obama actually knows.

But, you know. Change clearly means hiring the minister who hates gays.


Incidentally, the United States is being excluded from a summit in South America, on account of our government is made up of arrogant shitheads.


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