Boycotting Lethal Weapon S3

Sep 15, 2018 11:47

Don't think I've ever heard of a fanbase actually boycotting a show in order to get it cancelled, but I guess there's a first time for everything. As a huge fan of the Lethal Weapon movies, I was afraid I would hate the tv show, but I really ended up enjoying S1 and S2. Having said that, I'm vehemently opposed to S3. And, no it's not just because they killed off Riggs (which just sounds stupid if you're a fan of the movies/tv show); it's mostly because of the way TPTB ran the show behind the scenes, how they handled Clayne Crawford's firing, the subsequent firing of over 70 crew members, and the way they managed the resulting fan reaction. Throw on top of that the way a certain co-star behaved on set and on social media, intentionally telling lies (which have been proven to be lies) in an attempt to ruin Clayne's career and reputation, and it's all really quite disgusting. For those who are fans of Jordana Brewster, she has also left the show, only making an appearance in the first two episodes as a guest star. It all makes me very sad, because I was a huge fan of the show. It really sucks when you see all the ugliness behind the curtain in Hollywood. Definitely makes me appreciate the cast and crew of a certain long-running tv show all the more.

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