Title: Stars at elbow and foot Rating: R Pairing(s)/Focus: Junmyeon, Jongdae, Chanyeol, Sehun Length: 1.8k Warning(s)/Triggers: [Spoiler (click to open)]multiple major character deaths, slight gore Summary: Though lovers be lost love shall not. Break in the sun till the sun breaks down. And death shall have no dominion. Notes: This fic was written for the fic project
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Wow! This is so wonderfully creative, Karen!!!! I thought Joonmyun and Chanyeol's story arcs would end with their deaths but then you went and did the mama powers thing!!!! Like Joonmyun rises again as the sea and chanyeol as fire and Sehun is the wind and Death and OMG THIS IS SO AWESOME?!!! Thanks so much for sharing this ♡
The title is a line from the poem! The point is that when you die you sort of transform, and become a part of the cosmos, which is why there were stars all around the boys when they came into the afterlife :3
Thanks so much Adele!! The idea of the poem is that death isn't necessarily the end, and it was really interesting to write. And I used a lot of lines from the poem haha. The mama powers thing was there because, with these characters, it actually kind of fit with the lines, which was awesome!
I'm so glad you liked it, thanks for reading and commenting!!
I'm so glad you liked it, thanks for reading and commenting!!
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