(no subject)

Aug 27, 2011 13:15

So on Thurs I went to a 'job fair' or in other words open hiring frenzy at a popular gas station/convenience store location. I went in expecting it to just be lower level positions and not expecting much. I was a bit surprised when the man doing the interview looked at my past jobs and started asking me management questions, like if I had ever wrote the schedule, or done inventory/ordering. I told him yes, I had done both but always had to have a manager approve of it before submitting anything, but I understood how to do inventory based on weekly selling estimates and level of on hand supply. He also asked about what I took as getting employees to upsell things and promote promotions, so I told him about our concessions bingo game we did at one of the theaters, which gave the weekly winner a small extra amount on their pay check or some other prize item. I'm not holding my breath, but based on what he asked me it sounded like he was interested in hiring for management positions, and honestly looking at the ages of the few people there I'm probably the most qualified person who came in. I just hope my voice being all gravely from my being up since 2am didn't harm my interview any....which was around 3pm. Also hope the fact I had to hang out for a half hour after for my ride to get me didn't hurt my chances either. But yea, he was surprised when I said I appreciated knowing either way if I get a spot or not, apparently I was the only one who had said so out of the 15 others before me who had interviews. I know there was at least 3 others after me, so it wasn't a huge turn out, but yea.

In other news, I'm going stir crazy. I didn't get out last night because I hadn't heard from my normal ride to the club until late, and by that time had started to consider an alternate thing to do, only to have both options killed by my evil stomach. It decided that it was going to be all painful and ball of stress like. Gonna have to see if I can get someone to rescue me for Cirque Out this week or I really will be all sorts of batty come next friday....and more so if I don't get to go out next friday!

Oh, and one of the roommates decided the reason I have been sleeping all day is because I drink.....because my going out and drinking one night a week really makes it so I sleep all day all week long. *ugh* Mind you this is the same roommate who was bitching about how much we have spent on groceries this month so far and then in the next breath said she bought shrimp for a special meal, and crab for a treat for herself. *facepalm*

*random* also, lj is freakishly slow today....I don't remember it ever being this slow in the past....god I wish I still had a paid account...
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