(no subject)

May 20, 2011 02:57

Well, I had an interview yesterday for a company that does medical billing. It's a new company only been around a few years, but I know someone who works there. And on that note, I'm only up against 5 other people for 2 spots...better odds of getting a job right? I'm trying to be optimistic here. Anyway, supposed to hear back today on if I got it or not. They won't leave me hanging like the last interview I had where I never heard back from them and couldn't get a hold of them either. bah.

But yea, just wanted to post to ask, where the hell has this year run off to? Cause seriously, it's already freakin May....Time flies when you are doing nothing apparently a lot faster then when you are working almost every day....or so it seems to me. Bah, bedtime now...shoulda been asleep hours ago, but the allergies are starting to kick in...post nasal and sore throat, nothing else as of yet. Of course that's when I discovered I left my antihistamines down in San Antonio at AEtherFest...doh!
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