Follow my work on Facebook!

Jan 31, 2011 09:39

WolfMoon Art and Design on Facebook

I am a huge fan of Social Media! I use it a lot at work when I create websites for clients and also privately.
Take my "page" at Facebook, I have 66 people following me, 53 of those are friends of mine. I have a lot of people there I have no idea who they are but they have seen a friend of mine adding my page and they add me as well and maybe they had a friend and so on. That is the huge strength with social media such as Facebook, and this goes for other social media such as Twitter and blogs as well. You reach a huge number of people very fast, and I recommended anyone that have a business to use these media.
It's very easy to link Facebook to medias as twitter, blogs, YouTube and what not spreading an update about a new product or whatnot even further. Even LiveJournal are linked with Facebook these days! When I have posted this, it will appear on my personal FB account as well. Neat eh?

My private Facebook account on the other hand is very secure, I don't allow people searching for me (tough luck you who like to add me ;) ) I don't allow people I not friend with, or know irl, contacting me as I use FB to communicate with friends I know in real life. I've heard a lot of people telling me "I don't want FaceBook as I don want people I don't want to have contact with to add me"

1. You can put your whole profile on the hardest level of security! As I have.
2. You have to allow people to add you. If you don't want a person to add you, you press "no" and that's it
3. You can create posting filters, just as you do on LJ to post certain updates to certain people.

FB is what you make it to. I have found it excellent to keep track of both friends and family who I don't speak with daily, or even living abroad making it a bit more hard to keep in touch with.
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