Chaos. Joy.

May 09, 2008 00:06

THAT IS IT. I am going on hiatus. I haven't been doing much on RPG anyway and I'm behind in tags. Not to mention my email tags have only just now decided to work. A much needed break shall commence. For I am going to fail in three classes if I do not be careful. And that would just be sad and incredibly pathetic.

Yes, I was smart and said that my reservation at Neogenesis expired on the 8th. I lied. It expires on the 10th. And I'm still not done with Kanda's app. No idea what I'm going to do with that.

Funny how, even though I'm dying from devoting my time to so many different things, I still torture myself. Hypocrite. Which is why...

Poison Apple is the most awesome Death Note fanfiction I've read so far. The plot, the PLOT. And the way all the characters are written... I'm mind-blown. Gah. Though there are definitely drawbacks, it is still very intense and worth the read. Hell, just Act III alone makes it worthwhile to read through all 21 chapters of awesome! Light is a bastard. And so is L. (But Light's the bigger bastard.) Now, stick them together. Then take L's three successors (MxM action also) and mix them in. What do you get? A twisted, dark fairytale AU. Love it.

Right, shall go make that hiatus post now. And go do homework so I don't end up going to sleep at 3 again. Like I basically have been for about a week. I really really hate it when my mom screams at me. It's very distracting. Headaches are not a desired side effect either.


hiatus, rl, insomnia, rant, rp: econtra

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