May 02, 2008 12:40
These past few months have been an insightful journey of self awareness for me.
I was reading the journal entries I made over the past year about the stress of my job and how unhappy I was at the time. I look back and I realize how much has changed for me. I’m not that person anymore.
I removed myself from that stressful life and I’ve been doing more to benefit myself mentally and spiritually. I exercise more, I read more, I’ve begun mediation. I see things differently.
I mention this because I noticed that today, for the first time in months, I went back to an old habit I haven’t really done in awhile: talking to myself.
When I traveled to Australia, went to collage, traveled for work (or vacation), I use to talk to myself all the time, more out of a need of necessity than anything else. I might have met and conversed with a lot of people during those times but, for the most part, the only person in the room was *me* so that’s who I would talk to. It wasn’t crazy conversations- just reminding myself things or try to talk through a problem. (or maybe not...shut up, you!)
I don’t remember when I stopped but now my parents are gone and for the first time in awhile, I'm back to being by myself. This morning when I was talking with no one around to listen; I realized the peculiarity of the situation, like my conversation was with a stranger. It went to show that maybe I’ve changed more than I realized.