Feb 03, 2007 19:14
I enjoyed last night, hanging out with everyone and talking deep into the night with Doug and Matt.
I woke up today at 12:30, which is late even for me.
I made oatmeal, which I haven't done in a long damn time. It was tasty, and fill, but doesn't have many calories, which is one reason I don't feel so great right now.
I booted the computer and loaded up Stuart's Nerdpack 2006, the greatest collection of roms and emulators not on Stuart's own computer.
I figured I would play Breath of Fire 2 for a while. It's an old SNES RPG. Charles and I beat the first one long ago. Everything was going fine until the entire game locked up. When I say locked up, I mean it stopped rendering and I had to load from a save point further back. I repeated the load/lockup routine in about 10 different permutations. The game is still broken, near as I can tell. I was only an hour and a bit into it, but I'm still royally pissed. Neither Stuart no I knows what the heck is going on with it. Stuart swears he's never seen a problem like that before. I suppose I will have to try a different version of it to see what happens. So, that was the start of my shitty day.
Midway through the actions above, I made myself a turkey/cheese rollup. It was about 2:45 and I didn't know it at the time, but my day was going to get 400% shittier later that day.
Have any of you ever had food poisoning? I've now had it once each in two consecutive years.
Last time I was tossing and turning in bed for three hours before I got to hug the toilet. I was tossing and turning because my body had gone into uncontrollable shiver mode. I had on two pair of socks, a shirt and some pants, and I was still incredibly cold. The only thing that helped was a really hot shower, as it got rid of the cold that seemed to be oozing from my body.
This time the tingling started in my legs. Was basically an asleep feeling coupled with the need to move them. I went for a walk, about a mile, and by the time I got back to my apartment, I was pretty sure of what was going on. My body was in shiver mode again, though it wasn't so bad I could barely stand like the last time. It took another hour before I got to hug the toilet and expel the poison from my body, and I was miserable in between. I used every ounce of hot water to keep myself sensible.
It took another hour and a bit after I puked to start feeling any better. I STILL have a headache from it.
I got talking to Matt, and he let me know that he thinks the particular brand of deli meat I ate is shittacular. After this experience, I think I have to agree with him. I won't be buying it again. Part of the problem was that it was more than a week old. I guess you really are supposed to throw it out a couple days after buying it. I had skimmed that rule before and been okay, not this time.
So, it's 7:30 and I've had a really shitty day. Now I have to figure out what I'm doing with the rest of it.