Mar 20, 2006 10:54
Well, last night was fairly fucked up. I remember not bits of one, but THREE separate dreams.
1) 4 children dressed up as anime characters, complete with gigantic colored contacts, walking around walmart or some department store.
That is fairly self explanatory. They were all shorter than me. One was wearing a white gi with black edging and a sword on his back. One was wearing a golden gi, had a couple pins in her hair. The guy walked right by me, and his eyes kinda freaked me out because they were so damn huge. They were the only people that looked like that. This actually was part of a much larger dream, but I don't have any more context.
2) Aliens a la SIGNS, and a set grand unified force gloves.
This second was a nightmare more than anything. I've been having more disturbing dreams than usual recently, and I don't know why. A couple have woken me up, but not this one. I somehow become trapped in Mel Gibson's basement from the movie. No one else there, especially Mel. Two ways in really, one through a small wire reinforced window, like you would see in a basement, one through a set of three doors. The aliens are little green buggers. Looks pretty much like a Grey would. One starts smashing through the doors into the basement, one starts clawing through the window. Using the magical power of Buca, I put one of our tablecloths in front of the window and stuff it there. It held up better than the doors. Eventually the damn alien breaks through all three reinforced doors and comes at me. Instead of kicking him in the head like I should have, I run toward the window. Luckily by this time a black alien has shown up at the window. He zaps the green dead, and then gives me the unified theory gloves. They are green and flow over my hands to my wrists, liquid like. Between the thumb and finger of the left hand is something looking like a small rubber ball, with the same properties, except that I don't bounce it off anything. The alien, or someone, tells me that these gloves enhance not only strength, but balance, speed etc. Now I feel better.
3) A Mad Max like car in a shop being worked on.
Don't remember a whole lot about this one. I remember the car coming down a ramp, like into an underground parking lot, real fast. It is closely followed by a lot of people we don't want in there for some reason. Someone backs a Buick into the ramp, which is about three times as wide as that car, to run over a few. Then several layers of electrified hurricane fence is thrown up. The weight of all the people running down the ramp eventually knocks these over, and the people on my side run to a yet lower level. End of that scene.
Eventually I end up in a wide open space, a garage with a field around it I suppose. The car is not quite in the shop, because its bright outside. It looks something like a Ford probe (like a camarro) I think, pointy at the front end. The driver, after his heroic effort to get the car where it was, totaled it upon parking. We rip the engine out of the front, so its basically just a frame. There's an engine in the back too. At this point the car doesn't look so bad. The internal frame is red, while all the panels are black. I'm looking at the suspension and a few other things. I think this was the last dream I had last night.
4) Stuart's wedding taking place in a gated, communist Russian enclave located somewhere accessible by subway from the UT area.
This was actually Saturday night. I think it was Stuart's wedding, but I'm not sure. In any case, I have to go to a Russian enclave via subway. I know its Russian because of the gigantic red neon sign spelling out RUSSIA over the fence. Armed guards at the front, more searching inside the fence as well. These folk are REAL paranoid. Its actually a rehearsal for a wedding, or no one is really there but me. Takes place in a real small room with lots of chairs and a podium. Had to walk up a flight of stairs to get to it. I'm talking 10 by 10 chairs or so. What freaks me out at the time is that I am told we will ALL have to get up and introduce ourselves, where we know everyone from etc. That bit of information imparted, I leave, hop back on the subway and get back to the UT area. Fucking rude Russians.