Mar 21, 2006 16:35
Yes I know its been a while!!
Not a lot happening to be honest. Mum and i are still poor lmao like you wouldnt know if that had changed I would be on someones doorstep somewhere saying BOO!
Still no word with my back, they want to take another MRI and then see me again in July. Hell not like i want to have a life or nothing:| Or god forbid have them find someway for me no to be in pain so i could work:| Our government in all its wisdom (picture me heaving over a toilet bowl here with a green face) has decided i am not bad enough to go on disability BUT i am good enough to work again BUT only work from home.......geee why didnt i think of that?? getting a job from home is so easy damn beauracrats:|
I havent been online much cause to be honest im not in the mood. I have started to notice i am getting less social but then that does happen when u are basically stuck home with no money and no life, so i am looking into a couple of options 1) a pain clinic and 2)seeing a counsellor to see if they can come up with anything i can do that wont cost me money to start but will get me around people which is really hard when i cant even stay away from home for more then an hour. Even going to the pictures is too painful now. Its hard cause unless u have suffered pain like this noone can really understand when u say every step u take feels like someone just shoved a knitting needle into your spine and the pain goes down your leg and into your foot. Yes i know as i say when im in a positive mood there are people worse off then me, but today they can rack off im having a bad pain day:| I often think if mum and i at least owned our own place i wouldnt feel so bad but when over half your money goes to rent (as all u wonderful renters otu there know) it SUCKS!!! and since my lottery numbers dont seem to ever want to come up if they dont find some way to halt this pain soon i might just go insane with boredom, pain and frustration:| Its just a damn shame I cant afford a walking machine then i could at least excercise every day but the cheaper machines dont take my weight (now isnt that another shocker? machines to help people lose weight cost TONS more then those built for people who dont really need the damn things)they had some in kmart last week that took people up to 120kg but of course they sold out the same day and i just dont have $1500 lying around.
On that note i think i have let rip enough for now you shall see me when u see me
Love sammy