(no subject)

Dec 09, 2007 23:36

Galadan is at what passes for his desk, scrolling through the dossiers from three different courier services.

Unfamiliar name, unfamiliar name, too well-recognized a name, unfamiliar name--

Ah. There.

People should be so much more careful while choosing vices in which to indulge.

The Wolflord sends a message to an associate of his, an older gentleman who works in shipping.

I have a package that needs rerouted to Beylix. If you could obtain the services of Gi Saeng, that would be much appreciated. He's proven reliable in the past.


Then he sends the message, wiping it from memory using a set of commands he's learned from a certain individual at the end of the universe. Who says dead men possess nothing of value?

That accomplished, the Wolflord is free to pursue other matters--not least of which is assessing the security details for Senator Tam's upcoming press conference.

Galadan, it must be said, has a vested interest.

And in a few days, out on Beylix, a simple wooden tile embossed with the letter G will have found its way into the pocket of Gi Saeng.

It will be delivered.

And that, of course, will be when it gets messy.
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